Hi, I’m Susan Anderson, a practicing psychotherapist and founder of the Abandonment Recovery Program.

I’ve devoted over 30 years of clinical experience and research to helping victims of abandonment trauma heal heartache, grief and shame and overcome “outer child” patterns of self-sabotage.

I had my own adult abandonment experience when my beloved marital partner of almost 20 years suddenly left me for another woman. I was a fully confident independent professional at the time, but I was devastated.

Psychology had not yet addressed this type of trauma or explained its power to debilitate, and it propelled me into years of intensive research beyond the boundaries of existing treatments to find real answers.

Since then I’ve been reaching out to people throughout the world to provide healing to those suffering and training for professionals. Together we resolve our primal abandonment wounds. You learn to increase your capacity for love and connection.

I’ve made the life-changing tools of Abandonment Recovery and it’s five Akéru exercises available to you through my new video downloads as well as my workshops and books.

The Program creates a clear path to deep emotional recovery, not just for current struggles and heartache, but for the underlying wounds of primal fear and toxic shame that get so easily triggered in our daily lives. 

In resolving core issues, Abandonment Recovery is unprecedented in its capacity to treat childhood abandonment trauma and promote deep healing and change — healing from the inside out. 

The Program helps you overcome unwanted aloneness, insecurity, low self-esteem, posttrauma, and self-defeating patterns that arise from unresolved abandonment.

My workshops are attended internationally and my books are published throughout the world in many different languages.

The Abandonment Recovery Program has not only helped me but thousands across the world and it can help you, too.

“At the bottom of the primal abandonment wound lies a wellspring of profound personal growth.”

“To radically change your life, you must develop a healthy new relationship with yourself.”

“We don’t think our way out of abandonment, we DO our way out: Akeru” Susan