share your personal story

You have the option to submit your own personal abandonment situation to me privately (in 200 words or less).  My colleagues and I carefully read all submissions and uphold strict confidentiality.  Due to volume we are unable to respond to your stories personally.

By telling me your abandonment story, you are adding your voice to the growing data I’ve been collecting for over 20 years on the impact of abandonment and its aftermath of self-sabotage.  

Your submissions have contributed to insights and information within my books.  Whereas all of the anecdotal research data I collect are preserved in their original form in confidential files, during any publication of materials, the situations and patterns you describe are disguised and scrambled, all identifying information removed, to protect your identity.

Thank you for contributing your stories to this work.  I hope feel some satisfaction in knowing that they help others feel less alone.

For upcoming publications, I am looking for submissions that describe your current abandonment situation, the earlier losses and traumas that still impinge in your life, and/or the ways you self-sabotage (your Outer Child patterns).