Healing in the Now. Treating Primal Abandonment, Beginning the Journey.

Instructions for managing pain and anxiety by using the Moment’s healing, cleansing, strengthening power.


Visualization is a Power Tool. Dreamhouse: Guided Visualization - a Shortcut to Recovery.

Physical therapy for the brain: incremental strengthening of self-empowerment


Big You and Little You. Growing Self-Love and a Healthy New Relationship with Yourself.

Instructions for healing deep primal wounds and inculcating self-love for real.


Overcoming Outer Child's Self-Defeating Patterns. Reversing Self-Abandonment through Outer Child Framework.

Instructions for correcting the internal mechanism of the Outer Child that governs self-sabotage.


Action Plan for Greater Life and Love. Instructions for Realizing your Ultimate Goals: Future Self

Step by step method for reaching goals and dreams, increasing your capacity for love.


Guidance through the Program's Life-changing Tools, Concepts and Hands-on Exercises called Akēru. Complete instructions for the Program's 5 exercises and other healing tools.

Complete instructions for the 5 Akēru exercises, tools and concepts of the program.
